Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Schizophrenis / Restless Night

So I'm laying in my bed tossing and turning over what kind of blog and YouTube channel to create. Should I keep it serious? Or should I just let go and spill the T? There is a side of this that I've never even told my psychiatrist or my psychologist. Because it is too crazy to voice. In retrospect a lot of it is funny, but at the time terrifying. I have suffered from schizophrenia for the past 2 years and what I have found is that there isnt a lot of people gabbing about their crazy. Should I? Oh and just so ya know, 6 people on my dad's side, including him, have schizophrenia. I was doomed. No chance. Okay so I will tell you what my first symptom was... I started hearing the Star Spangled Banner playing in my head. The song would never quite finish and I thought if it finished that meant something really bad would happen. Crazy sauce. One time I was driving and my speedometer said 666 while the song was playing and I thought "Well this is it!" It wasn't, life went on and so did the music!

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